What is the difference between a touch screen and a multi touch screen? Multi touch screen is one that can respond to your finger input and can turn your finger image into virtual on screen commands. It can be used as a game pad or just to interact with text or other virtual elements on your computer screen. In this article, we will explain to you how a multi touch screen works. There are many versions of multi touch screen available in the market. So, let’s see how it works..

Multi touch screen works on the principle of light recognition. When your finger goes near the screen then some special LEDS (light emitting diodes) appear and start to emit light at a very fast speed. These light pulses do not interact with any other virtual element on the screen. This means that if you want to drag something on the screen with your finger, it will not react with any other virtual element, such as a button, until after your finger has moved a certain distance on the screen.
The main advantage of a multi touch screen over traditional touch screens is that it gives more areas for you to operate with your fingers. You can multi touch the screen to zoom in and out, scroll up and down, pan left and right etc. Another advantage of multi touch screens is that you can use almost any free hand gestures, such as pointing, tapping, shaking etc. without having to actually take your hand off the screen. So if you need to do something on the screen while your hands are free, then using a touch screen is much easier than a regular computer keyboard.
There are certain disadvantages to a multi touch screen as well. Some users find that they can only use certain areas of the screen at a time. This means that if you need to make changes to something that is already on the screen, it can be quite difficult to do, as you have to turn your whole hand around to see to it that you’ve actually changed anything. In addition, there may be many other things that you need to change or access on the screen that a regular touch screen cannot access, such as menu bars.
A third disadvantage of a multi touch screen is that you can accidentally hit something else on the screen with your finger, resulting in the display being redrawn. This is something that you would never happen if you were using a regular touch screen, where the entire screen was touched. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of a multi touch screen, in my opinion.
The conclusion I can come to from all of this is that there is no real difference between the two. In terms of the functionality of multi touch screens, they are about the same. It is really more a matter of preference than anything else, when it comes down to which technology you like. If you feel more comfortable using one, then you should by all means use it.